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⇸ Family​

A maternity or family session is a photography session that will allow you to keep memories

of your pregnancy or your children, whether babies or older.

Time passes, your children grow up and only the memories remain
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⇸ Marriage
The big day...
The preparations are a highlight of the day, these photos are essential
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⇸ Portait

A maternity or family session is a photography session that will allow you to keep memories

of your pregnancy or your children, whether babies or older.

​Time passes... read more

What is corporate?

Corporate" means all communication actions which aim to promote the image of the company or
of an organization towards its customers and various partners.


This is where the photographer comes in, to "promote the image". It can be different types of photos.
Shots taken during seminars, evening events, inaugurations, etc.


Shots taken during seminars, evening events, real estate, culinary reports, etc.
Reporting during corporate workshops. Production of photo albums. But it can also be culinary photos, or any other achievements. Highlighting the layout of professional premises. Individual portraits for professional use (curriculum vitae, social networks, website, etc.)


Small and large companies are concerned, the photos in situation in the premises of the company illustrate the professional activity, but also the atmosphere of the company. They can emphasize the warm welcome, the modernity of the equipment used, the layout
premises (in addition to architectural type photos... It may also be a question of creating a photo gallery of staff members.
These photos can be for internal use, for example on the intranet of communities. But they can also appear on a company's website. This reassures potential customers to put a face to the person they are in contact with.


Some companies organize integration days or themed workshops for their staff.
During these activities, I sometimes intervene to produce a report on this moment of exchange. The photos then allow us to communicate about the event internally.
For seminars or event evenings, the photographic service is rather done in the form of a report.
But it also happens that I am asked to set up a photo point.

I then set up a mini studio which allows the guests to pose in a photocall spirit.


Whatever your request and your project, do not hesitate to contact me to obtain a personalized quote.

Exercice d'essai La Patrouille de France © 2024 Julie Bruhier

18 Rue Jean-Paul Alaux 331O0

+33 06 42 57 00 01

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